Fancy Yogurt Pops

In case you can’t tell, we are a dessert family. Singapore is hot, and there are a lot of vendors selling sweet treats to cool you down. There are even 4 ice cream/fro-yo shops outside and around Miss G’s kindergarten, with another currently being built! And yes, she’s been to every single one of them….

Chocolate Ice Cream

If you don’t know by now, I’m a major chocoholic. I practically inhale the stuff, and there are always a couple of family blocks in the freezer.  I’m known by name at the Starbucks near Miss G’s school, and they can almost recite my order. Even Miss G has inherited my great chocolate love, she…

Broken Bikkie Fudge

I have a biscuit barrel in my pantry that is reserved just for the dregs of the bikkie world. I’m talking about the last 2-3 stale biscuits in the packet that everyone decided they didn’t like, or that solo broken cookie that nobody wants to touch, or those final 3 Tiny Teddies that your child…

Milo Cheesecake Cups

I think this is one of the most Australian, yet also the most Singaporean, dishes I’ve ever made. Let me explain. My generation was weaned off of our mothers milk and onto a combination of Milo and Cottee’s cordial, with Swap-n-Go soft drink from the servo being given out on special occasions. And we had…