Feminine Hygiene Wipes

This is probably the most delicate post I’ve written so far on Mandi’s Making. Unless you’re Kotex or Carefree, or trying to fob off a thrush treatment on TV, ‘lady stuff’ is not really considered a polite conversation topic. So, I’m just letting you blokes know that this is going to be a ‘ladies-only’ post,…

Homemade Face Wipes

I mentioned in my Baby Wipes post a little while ago that I have a totally separate container and recipe to use on Miss G’s face and hands. The main reason is that she likes to lick when I wipe her face, and that the essential oils that I use in the baby wipes aren’t…

DIY Baby Wipes

If there is 1 thing that I have quickly learnt as a new mother, it’s that baby stuff can be so expensive. It’s not so much the big items like the cot and the pram; once you’ve bought them you’re good to go for a few years. I’m talking about the little everyday items like…