Chocolate Ice Cream

If you don’t know by now, I’m a major chocoholic. I practically inhale the stuff, and there are always a couple of family blocks in the freezer.  I’m known by name at the Starbucks near Miss G’s school, and they can almost recite my order. Even Miss G has inherited my great chocolate love, she…

Broken Bikkie Fudge

I have a biscuit barrel in my pantry that is reserved just for the dregs of the bikkie world. I’m talking about the last 2-3 stale biscuits in the packet that everyone decided they didn’t like, or that solo broken cookie that nobody wants to touch, or those final 3 Tiny Teddies that your child…

Milo Cheesecake Cups

I think this is one of the most Australian, yet also the most Singaporean, dishes I’ve ever made. Let me explain. My generation was weaned off of our mothers milk and onto a combination of Milo and Cottee’s cordial, with Swap-n-Go soft drink from the servo being given out on special occasions. And we had…

Kit Kat Crunch Fudge

One of my local cheapie shops has a great selection of sweet stuff, and recently they’ve had out a big range of different Kit Kats. Normal, Chunky, mint, orange, green tea, and all shades in between; it’s Kit Kat heaven. And best of all, it’s all cheap! What else am I to do but make…

White Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Would you believe that I had made this at the beginning of November? You would? Yes, I know, I had been Little Miss Procrastinator in the good ol year that was 2015. Now that Miss G is going to school for 5 days a week and an extra hour a day (my baby! 😭) I…

‘Hawthorn’ Chocolate Honeycomb Ice Cream

Gourmet ice cream. We love the thickness, the supreme fattiness of the cream, and the way it clings to the spoon and coats your tongue as it glides down your throat. We love the 1002 flavours available, the exotic ingredients, and the posh names that have way too many words in it. But what we…

Chocolate Peanut Butter Spiders

What’s this? More fantastic 90’s yummy treats? Yes, I’m going to make you all relive all your childhood birthday parties with these goodies! Think back to any kids party you attended during the 1990’s in Australia and you’ll remember that the menu’s were all pretty simple and all very similar. Chocolate crackles, honey joys, fairy…

Chocolate Freckles

What a month! Miss G had her 1st birthday party last week, so I’ve spent the past month planning the menu, then the week before the party getting the food ready, so please forgive me for the lack of posting on here! We’ve also been attending some of Miss G’s friends parties as well, so…

Chocolate Nut Brownie Energy Bar

Ever since I’ve become a mother I’ve gained a new food addiction; muesli bars. They’re easy, compact, and you can eat it with one hand whilst feeding a baby, pushing a pram, well you can see where I’m going. I always liked them before, but I have a new appreciation for these pocket morsels. It…

Chocolate Mudcake with White Chocolate Ganache

Today’s post is about chocolate cake, and lots of it! I was asked to make a cake for CTO’s cousin Miss A’s confirmation by my sister-in-law, and my only guides from Miss A was that she likes chocolate and her favourite colours are blue and green. I did a Pinterest search for inspiration, and this…

One Bowl Chocolate Brownies

Ahh, brownies! The snack to eat when you want more than a biscuit yet don’t feel quite like eating a piece of cake. If you’ve been following my Facebook page, I’ve been promising to put up this recipe all week. Sorry it’s taken so long! I had an emergency dash to the dentist on Monday…